she's gonna spank me, but i don't's a look at the probably course for this week's final Surf City race at the W-Ville grounds (could be changed if we get too much rain ... grass protection).
We didn't want to use the long run-up of the last race, so set Brenty out in search of a loop to poop out the masses without it. Sabine hybrid-ed his design with an old Rex version, tossing in a dash of oV and came up with this loop.
No epic run-up of the past, but a very tough grass section that will have people hurting ... bad. it's a fast course with loads of fun little technical spots dispersed throughout the loop. i'm hoping to convince her to put in a little tree section ... but, chances are low.
I'm soooo excited about this course. I think it's going to be a smash.
... no comments about a certain Pilarcheetos course.
Pilarcitos #3 was a blast! Sorry Mike had to say it. Sorry about your bad luck - you were actually my pick for the win with all of those punchy climbs... sorry to hear about the bad luck. If I were designing this weekends course (and I know I am not) I would put multiple run-ups! They are the best part.
my toes are tingling and my teetch are itching in anticipation.
The run up thats there is a toughie. And the section up to the tree will be a run up for many (but not you guys)
I liked the run up at Pilarcitos. Didn't race on it, but it looked very cool with everyone scrambling up it.
noSissy - i luvs me the runnups. like VB said, this W-ville course will have a good one to stretch the legs, but not as epic as last weekend.
the P-course was too narrow on the climbs, couldn't pass much at all. and, the technical stuff was near to non-existent, so they made up for it in silly wiggles that nobody could make up time on. though we do have a nice video of you running quick-as-slick through that thing to catch back on to Maile & Coatsy.
vDawg - you've got a spot to protect, yo.
vb - you hottie.
I look forward to this weekend. I told Mary I MIGHT help with take down of the course. We will see if I flake.
As far as running through the S - that is when the stick took out my rear spokes. I learned then that it was probably faster to run, but I did not want to change it up at the end of the race... That is racing, f@#$.
does this mean racing with my mtb next weekend might actually be justified?
naw ... unfortunately, it's waaay more a CX bike course. but, you'll still have fun (except having to lug that thing up the runnup).
but hey, you might walk away with a brand new CX bike just for finishing!
my thoughts exactly. a race just for us CX beginners and the possibility of winning that frame--enough to get me to race, albeit on a mtb.
yeah to fast! yeah to flat! yeah to no run-up (kinda)! I like power and yesterday had no power.
power sucking grass.
worse than any run up.
I was tired just goofing off on it.
should one wear tights to protect the legs from PO?
no PO on this loop.
VB, by the time 300 guys ride the grass, all the power-sucking qualities will be gone (one can hope). It's nice racing late in the day.
well, there is po, but only if you fall about 40 feet off course
there's certainly poo to ride through, though.
haha. i was reading po as pooh.
yes, there is poo.
how did the grass look after a week to heal from the swirly?
about the same.
but, when i talked to the dude about what we could do to repair ... all he mentioned was the runup and we could re-seed it.
as Sabine says, doesn't that imply there was once seed?
good trade, in my book.
can you buy poison oak seeds?
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