prettily Friday
apparently it's a month dedicated to touching one's self.
but, being the fully-loaded citizenry we are ... we've had to overlap it with another bit of celebration ~ bike to work week.
. . . . .
just don't do both at the same time.
- - -
lordy, its gowjus outside right now. Here in the SC of CA, the temps are solidly stamped in luxury and everbody seems half out of the office already. Paradise is flowin down the streets like somebody busted a sewage line and incongruity is the word striking me this sunny-rific afternoon.
This morning struggled to get out a bid for a funded project to stem the tide of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria ... this afternoon listening to some yayhoo squeezing out some italio-polka jig on his aging accordian. The notes float up through the window and get my butt cheeks popping up and down in response.
~ boomp, dittypoomp, waawaaa ~
Did you know that the former head of the South African HIV/AIDS national project was acquitted of rape charges recently? Yes, it's true.
He claims the sex with the family friend was consensual and that, yes, he knew she was infected with HIV - and, no, he did not use a condom.
"But, I showered afterwards to limit my exposure to HIV."
... former head of the HIV/AIDS project in that country and the person very likely to succeed Mbeki in 2009 as Presidente.
There is a reason HIV/AIDS is ramapant in some countries.Did you know that the myth that having sex with a virgin will rid you of HIV is still flushing around some folks brains? Not to mention 'showering' as a protective practice.
But, hey ... Cat's Hill tomorrow.
Wow! That was truely might even say non sequitur. Awesome inconguousness!!!
On the other hand, the Nigeria part is truely sad, on all levels.
Well now I am confused, I'm not sure if I should touch it or chop it off.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
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