so rolls the world of hell yeah
TRACK RACING at Hellyer next Friday. It's the first of a few UCI World Cup fundraisers for the PROMAN team as they make their way towards the Beijing Olympics.
cool stuff.
Check the schedule (make sure that's accurate, Hooptie?), but i think they open the track to rides and bbq 5pm, racing starts at 7pm, ends 9:30'ish. A, B, and C categories. Maybe somebody will bring cookie primes.
Roadies ~ the track is ready for you. Check out Hellyer.Lucas Euser and his Slipstreamchipotle team are in the New York Times on Wed, Nov 14th. David Millar (yes, he's helmetless in the pic) is on the front page of the NYT Sports page.
holee sheet.
the article wades through doping. it's interesting to read Vaughter's quotes.
Any way you slice it, Lucas Euser was in the NYT. a skinny lil' SLOtown NCNCA kid who pedals a bicycle.
hell yeah.- VOS Racing - my brothers in VO5 style for next year's bicycle racing - added Micah Herman and Michael Margraf to the team. They come to the team with Zane Hammond Construction sponsorship dollars and high motivation levels.
Micah raced last year with AMD/Disco Jr's and Alta Alpina's Junior Program before that up in Carson/Minden, Nevada. Alta Alpina and the Reno Wheelmen produce excellent young riders. He won the Nevada City Classic 17-18 race in 2006 as a 17 year-old. He also raced l'abitibi last year and gained huge experience from that. Micah will be a great, great guy to race with. He's an intelligent, witty, and good-naturedly competitive young man and has all the tools to work hard and become a professional cyclist (maybe in the NYT one day!).
Margraf was the '06 U-23 Time Trial Champ of NorCal/Nev. Dan Martin has commented to me that this guy is a huge engine.
... that's Dan Martin saying somebody is strong. Peak Season
it's on. it's on in ways that probably shouldn't be made public. a new venue in the sCruz ... Pinto Park. Sabine found it this summer and recommended it to Gill maestro.
I cannot wait to see this gig. no official PA. ... but, if the van's a rockin.suprisingly enough ...
protective eyewear isn't optional when doing home remodelings.
yeah, it's been that kind of week.SINGLE SPEED WORLD CHAMPIONS
and other such naughty such weekendery. the story i was told is that Craig had it won, pulled to the side to grab a beer feed on the finishing straight, and Wicks pipped him at the line.
hell yeah.
MollyCam and the Vanilla riders, Wicks, aCraig, Sheppard, TJohnson .. these are amazing riders to watch pedal. i want to race them on bicycles.Sabine says we're going next year. Good thing. I'm thinking of finally plopping down cash on a Hunter SS ... maybe a 29'er with cx bars and 38c tires ... and disk brakes ... and a shock. and, a beer opener at the top of the seat stays.
there's already chamois-lube on the whitesuit.- Barry Bonds gets indicted
yay.i like lucas diesal's article better. and why isn't the real distraction the need for an immediate and US-wide ban of the production of cars that are non-green? co2 emissions and global warming are THE #1 ISSUE in the world ~ every country, every political race, every discussion on policy. climate change is priority one in all decision making. (well ... maybe with the exception of the carribean - those folks can just let all this shit slide)
i steal Naomi Klein's words. because she's hot. and i hear them.
more updates throughout the day ~
I'm Lucas' biggest fan ;p
the copy of the NYT i stole has him as "lucas eusel"
... eusel.
maybe they meant lucas diesel?
flat out stud, that kid is. i wish him the best.
Dave and Steve. In that pic, they're like the poster children for bacon.
really happy to see that Dan got Margraf back on the bike....
way too much potential locked up, I am with Dan....
lucas diesel ... that's too good.
margraf and herman will have such a good time with our crew.
good team.
micah ought to have a breakout year under some of yer old guy tutelage.
yeah, dude, you've gotta wear those stupid goggles. Jacked my peepers up a few years back like that too. We all make fun of the dumbass getting shocked on those product safety warnings, but sometimes we is that dumbass.
it was a dumbass sort of day, shawny.
you racing a bit next year? that break at Madera RR with you, Gaver, Hellman, Metcalf, and Easterling was a high point last year.
we railed that thing.
Pro-Ho loves Ms. Olds....
mmmm.... :)
Confessions of a yuppie parent... btwn ski team, karate, soccer, bball and rock climbing I've gotta stick around the house on the weekends for the kidz. Will prolly do 4 or 5 races plus the local stuff, and will just have to settle for being a twilight superstar.
It's all base training for 45+ anyway, whence I will light yo ass up (or maybe I'll at least be able to afford a fast enough tt rig).
Madera... yeah, that rawked, even if I did have to fold my tail firmly between my legs for the last lap.
Hey, OV, here's a riddle for you;
What's this:
(continue that for 30 minutes)
Give up? That's what I got to see driving the support car behind Larry Nolan up Trinity Grade.
I bring this up, because Lucas' name is painted all over that road. Cool to hear his BIG TIME now. "LUCAS IS OUR HERO"
you working on next year's costume?
You look like a pirate! Hope the eye feels better.
studies have shown that corneal abrasions heal the same whether you patch them or not
but they do keep you from getting something in them for the next 24 hours or so
hmmm, you didn't have that eye patch on before suffervals - you 'sho Stellar didn't smack you after you said 'how 'bout one more'???? tash
I lvoe the whitesuit pic. I think JP had skinsuit envy.
hope the eye is getting better...that keeps you from being invited to scuba dive...
Thanks for posting Hernando...the first World Cup Tune-Up race is starting early...gates open @ 3pm, racing @ 5pm (no one has to work Fri after Thanksgiving...right?)
Extended hours will enable things like a BBQ and keg.
You gotta call me before you play with Mods on the house yo
Crazy kid
V05 is so great for keeping your hair straight!
Olaf - I got to see Trebon and Wicks in action at the USGP this weekend. Man, those boys are freaking tall (Trebon is 6'-6" and Wicks is 6'-2"). They CRUSHED the Elite field on Saturday, and went 1-2 in fine style, with Trebon dropping Wicks handily on the final lap of a very long course. I had to leave before the Elite race on Sunday, but managed to bump into Trebon beforehand. I congratulated him on the win the day prior and mentioned that he looked like he wasn't racing flat out. "Well," he says with a sly grin, "you only race as hard as you have to, right?" Damn...
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