news of the cool
Taylor Phinney struck gold in the Junior World TT today ... and Jerika Hutchinson grabbed a bronze yesterday.
come'on ~ that's pretty hip.
-also tipping the scales of hip is that NorCal's own P'Nut Vardaros signed to ride with Vanderkitten for CycloCross this year.
holee shyte ... Vanderkitten is tossing cash at women's cycling. That is so f'ing boss.
One can only imagine the possibilities of skinsuit wear ... rwowr. Or, as P'Nut says:
"Vanderkitten not only encourages women like me to play rough and dirty, but also provides us with feminine clothing so we look sexy as we sprint through the mud." [CN]I'll drink to that!
From reports on the inside ~ ms. Vanderkitten is the brains behind the outfit ... but mr. Vanderkitten is all beauty, babay.
Throw on some disco-funk and watch that boy shake the money maker!
very, very cool news. Check out the sto'.
they are gonna go nuts for the VKitten in Europe!
With that Kansas Kitten, J. Tilley, modeling the gear, it'll go far.
Contador is coming clean.
get ready to face the music
Thanks for the props!!! I am tickled pink to be racing for them. Wait till you see the skinsuits - purrrrrrr...
that's such a great combo, peanut and vanderkitten!
i love vanderkitten. so neat-o.
only weird thing i found was they claim Liz won the NRC events at cougar -- um, she won the W3 races - of course, convincingly - but these are not NRC races...someone may want to let 'em know that's quite distasteful.
Finally some Junior results at the world level.....
I wonder how hard it was for Taylor to grow up without an XBox360. Glad the pops slowly progressed him and he will be breaking out right when it looks like a fresh start for the US is the cool thing to do......
Hopefully the old USdev attitude of everyone else is doing it, isn't the way they are still doing it...
MAD Props to T-Phinney!
Such a good kid, such great folks...such a FANTASTIC result.
Connie was pregnant with the boy when I first got to know them and it makes me feel ancient to see him killing it on the global stage. But DP and CC are all kinds of proud, so it's worth the age-related angst.
Honestly, after all the mumbo-jumbo in the world of pro cycling and pro biznass that has been ruining my mojo recently, the news of Taylor rocking the rainbow MADE my week.
I can't wait to see that kit in the Hwy 36 TT series. Yeah buddy!
Does that mean P'Nut won't be racing in Europe anymore?
I've been watching the hardest working people in the biz build a great company in an insanely competitive industry from scratch, build a one-woman road team, and win 3-national expert MTB titles, all in about a year?!
What took the cake was Liz beating the entire Cat1/2 filed in Albany, CA as a Cat 3 and lapping the entire Cat 3 field at Cougar!
Vanderkitten is awesome and lives up to all the hype! Can't wait to see the Cross team develop with Christine's expert guidance!! Cycling is about to become very hot...
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