mo' madness
3 emergenC code-reds have backed into my desk this morning ... thanks for the restful Monday after a weekend at the dancehall.
In the downtime, and until i get to let-loose the fingers upon keyboard ~ i'll just sum up the weekend with a yip and a yowie. what good times.
-Reports to follow, but in the meantime - be amused.
As i was getting out of the shower, all i could hear was Sabine snorting out giggles and forwarding an ocassional snippet.
i mean, it's HEED ...
in the ...
i mean, it's orange undies and ... measuring cloths.
i had to hurriedly click away from the orange undies when co-workers passed behind my desk...
you could have scrolled down to the Nutella
Thats no chick in those underwear! That is a dude for sure, look at the snatch and the legs and the hands, those are all male parts baby! And I like that male stuff if you know what I mean. Way too masculine for a female, that is a guy in those stylish tighty peach treat undies. I want to taste those cookies if possible.
I brazenly read and howled with all the coworkers around. What fun!
yeah, that is a guy for sure, fake pics. look at the last photo, the amount of hair that has been shaved off in the groin area, and the razor rash sections, that is a guy for sure. there is still a bunch of hair showing even after he shaved. also look at the legs, there is no cut muscle, just kind of a thick solid thigh, like a guy, and there is no real definition in the muscles, just a bulky leg. i do like the guys choice of underwear, i think i know who that is based upon his selection of underwear.
She's sporting a 5 o'clock shadow and i hate coughing up hair balls.
...but i do like licking orange cream-sicles.
wholee crap, is Beth frickin hilarious.
what a talent. definitely one of my new favorite sites to visit.
i had two people come in wondering what the hell i was giggling about.
I would worry about her new fan base....
anon- you spent so much time studying and taking notes, I doubt you ever have to worry about hairballs... Carpal tunnel is a bitch???
anon- YOU'RE the reason my mom always told me not to put pictures of me in my underwear on the internet!
She also told me to layoff that leg press in high school, and to only use gillette 3-blade razors. I guess i didn't listen too well...those bic 1-blade razors are just so cheap...
I bet you are just jealous cause you are in the 50cm range. That's okay-- we all start somewhere!
I think anon would more easily be measured in millimeters. Probably had smallcox as a child...
That link made my morning, though I too had to quickly alt-tab away whenever a coworker went by. I feel so inadequate. I think I’ll try the Sat AM track sessions soon and try to bulk up.
Mr. 54.5 cm quads.
Bulk up? Brownies and Gatorade, then standing starts in 53x15 for 15 seconds. Uphill. Much more fun than the squat rack!
Was sabine giggling and laughing at your man hood as you got out of the shower? I am thinking she might want a Nutella jar to fill her up and satisfy her instead of olaf's millimeter tool of fun and joy.
You know floyd landis must have a monster mash tool with his naturally high testoserone level.
His drilling tool would even scare greg lemond when push comes to shove.
Don't get sucked into the quad envy. Put a pics of Andy Hampsted next to your bike and remember you go up hills, not track banking.
good god! i missed all this today?!
oh that is a girl all right and look she is even having fun with the big prize she won at tampani
look at how she places it bewtween her legs
sort of like she is either riding it or grinding it or even humping it
go girl
Hey I do that with the medals I win, or the trophies I win, I make passionate love to each one, many times, so what if she is doing it to her big jug of HEEP.
Even if you dont know hwere that big jug has been before it was between her legs.
HEED my warning, the product she was loving was HEED not Heap,+ but she was loving it a Heap!
Heap, Heed, Head, its all good in bed.
Top it all off with a little Nutella for flavor and its on.
Interesting how those who talk the most trash never seem to ID themselves.
silly rabbitt tricks are for kids
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