someplace new to bring the good word
some euro-stonomers have used their big Chilean lense to find a planet that looks like it might be hospitable for life (as we know it). Temperature range is 32 to 104F and it loafs around a reddish sun in a manner romantic enough to shed a few dew drops on the ground for the squirmies to get jiggy with each other.
i'll admit it ... enjoyment makes me wiggle thinking on all the new and creative myths folks will dream up to explain life other than our earthbound. Will there be a couple inserts to the King James'? Will Mormons have another gold-plated visitation? Will the devil make us think it so?
I have a very deep and miscreanty personal bias - an un-intellectual conceit, if you will. No matter how cogent or coolio a person is ... if they profess to know this way or that on the god question ~ i ... can't help but set them away from me. just over there, not far, but ... separate.
for me, there is no other path to waddle than that of agnostics on strong street ~ the perspective of 'uh ... what?' as we gaze around at the tourist traps. that gods exist or does not exist is ... unknowable, unprovable, and subsequently, to my mind ... massively irrelevant. The god-complex is such a foreign beast that i have built a tool-shed in the backyards of my mind to house it ~ clamped down tight in a wicker-like 4-cornered cubit that i occassionally bump against, forgotten, while looking for some reasoned remembrances to pull out for workful use.
Life is this moment and the decisions we make. Life is the treatment of ourselves and towards others. And gods have nothing to do with it other than acting as ethereal principles walking the halls of our collective learnings. some are stern and tap a stiff and fearsome cadence march, some float by ... slowly with a buddha's grin of acceptance and weariness, and some dance wild ~ beckoning us to follow and mimic and heat ourselves orgasmic.
reflections of what our lives used to be,
what our past hoped to make us,
what our future is dictated to
unless ...
On that planet, the gravity is thought to be similar but a little more hefty, such that a 200 hundred pound person would weigh 300 pounds
What kind of granny gear would we need to climb those hills?
There was a time I would have agreed with you, but having a 20 plus year of cigarette, drug and
alcohol addiction taken away overnight changed my thinking on that one there.
There is no way I can deny the existance of Almighty God, not after what He did on my behalf.
I'll turn up my hearing aid if you'll still talk to me, even if it is from afar.
Hadn't thought about the religious repercussions of Planet Saveusfromus...glee...
uh ... what?
oh brother Scott
props to any who prop with the god talk.
just not my bag, baby. and, it's a conceit on my behalf.
it is what it is.
and that you've overcome is ... sexy.
to me it is not a question of if god exists, but what your definition of "god" is.
i think.
in my shed....
the being, renaming, lack there of...
is just a crutch that people use to be lazy with their decision making process, blind to the world around them, ignorant about the dirt at their feet or just the opposite.
my bike is a god and that is why I must ride it religiously. When the real truth is that I ride it so that I can shave my legs, wear colorful spandex and hopefully kill enough spermies to make sure I do not reproduce adding more ignorance and overpopulation to this ignorant and overly populated world.....
I bet the primates on this new planet laugh their asses off when we finally visit them and they see us with pants on.....
no one knows anything. i like to proclaim i'm an atheist, but what do i know. i know nothing.
i do know this. all the pain and addiction and death of family and sickness and happiness i've seen, have come from inside me and my decisions and support from those around me on earth.
if my kids decide to choose to believe in a god or a him or reincarnation or a monkey, then that's ok too.
yeah, it is what it is.
I second Lauren,what do we know? There is never proof, just that feeling inside that we know is there but can't qualify. The hard times I have gotten through have been just me, pulling through when I need to, catching back on when I have to. You can call it god or whatever, ultimately all we are left with is ourselves though. But, what do I know?
I have a problem with people justifying the existence of god because they were able to get through whatever difficult time becuase god helped them.
Please. What the fuck makes you so special? What about the hundreds of children dying of cancer everyday? Or the thousands of hunger? Keep burning your fossil fuels and voting for bush america - god will save us. As long as it is the children who are born already we let die and not the ones that have not yet enteredt the world!
I hope there is a god... For the sake of all.
peace, brother ov.
i belive in God, and at the same time i believe God is largely incomprehensible to me. it doesn't stop me from trying to comprehend.....
though it would be equally conceitful for me to say i know anything without a doubt.
thanks for the thought-provoking post. see ya in roastin' toastin' madera where we can all celebrate our love of suffering on the bike together!
There was an interesting article in Time magazine a few weeks ago about Einstein's religious beliefs. Whole thing here.
But the gist is that he believed that some higher power set the universe in motion with its immutable laws, but not that there is a god concerned with the doings of everyman.
How did time begin, after all? Like when DID the universe come into existence and how?
My lack of knowledge on this subject should preclude me from commenting, but here I go anyway.
At the time of his death, Einstein was working on a unifying equation applicable to every element in the universe. The way I understand it is Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum mechanics didn't jibe.
The point is that we humans can't infallibly describe how it is we got here. Therefore, my lowly brain will continue to believe in a higher power.
I've considered whether or not I choose to believe only because it's comforting. But my having faith also fits with my philosophy that we all need to be self accountable.
I'm not a bible thumper and I certainly don't judge others on whether they believe in a higher power or not.
Having faith is just how I roll.
fossil fuels...when you can bitch about whatever current administration and it's current mid-east policies whilst continuing to drive and purchase new cars with thee 'no blood for oil sticker', well, ha-ha, jokes on you. sure the gov'and big biz has a lot to be held accountable for, but the american people? well the big problem is not taking responsiblity. don't like the war and mid-east policy? don't purchase gas (or at least limit it). be a woman (or man) and take some responsiblity for the shit out there.
'maybe true, maybe not. better you believe'
silly ol' sherpa saying
From what I know, God is an observer of all that happens. In other words, God did not help you, you helped yourself, or had a bit of luck. To God, it would have been fine either way it worked out.
Who the hell does anyone think they are to think that a God of all would forsake one of us for the other?
That said, I respect the Agnostic over the Christian or any other organized religion. I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure Agnostics do not typically start wars on behalf of their religion.
As for the planet and it's gravity, sounds like a great place to train.
"fossil fuels...when you can bitch about whatever current administration and it's current mid-east policies whilst continuing to drive and purchase new cars with thee 'no blood for oil sticker', well, ha-ha, jokes on you. sure the gov'and big biz has a lot to be held accountable for, but the american people? well the big problem is not taking responsiblity. don't like the war and mid-east policy? don't purchase gas (or at least limit it). be a woman (or man) and take some responsiblity for the shit out there."
As a result of the bullshit policy and other environmental factors, I ride my bike to work EVERY fucking day even though I share the roads/expressways with SUV driving fucks that would rather run me down than slow for a turn/exit ramp...
mmmm. smog. nothing like the burn I get in the nostrils.
I wanna know whats the fornication policy on Planet X?
apparently this blog is a magnet for people with anger management issues.
I have spent a lot of years denying the existence of God, but when it smacks you in the face time and time again.....eventually you have deal with what's hitting you. My scientific, logical, engineering mind tries and tries to deny, but it never goes away.
When someone thinks and talks so much about God or the lack there of, that says to me, that they are searching for what it all means and how God plays a roll (I have been down that road, the never ending set of intervals). I could be wrong. but if I am wrong, and its irrelevant, then what does it matter what the Christians, or Mormons or Buddhist or Lutherans, or Catholics or Muslims or Shiites think about this new lunar body. You laugh at them, they laugh at you. Pointing fingers a giggling.
We find peace in nature and euphoria in the pain of pedaling, but the question remains. When do we find real peace?...when that nagging question finally goes away. You are soooooo… right it is improvable, but if the big brained people in the lofty halls of PhD hood cannot explain the connection between relativity and quantum mechanics how can we disprove that we were created by something more powerful than, dare I say evolution.
There are so many things that are wrong with religion, it easy to explain…. there are so many things that are wrong with people. God and religion are two different things and should be viewed as such. The fact remains we must all keep an open mind…….cause as life rolls on you never know what new thoughts will awaken. What new light bulb…..will …..suddenly ……come …..on.
According to Star Trek, as soon as humans learn that that there is intelligent life on other planets all of our problems here go away.
War, crime, poverty, hunger, greed, etc.
I can't wait until that happens.
"apparently this blog is a magnet for people with anger management issues."
Bullshit! WTF are you talking about?!?!? Get a job!
I don't think the point is whether or not there is a god.
I think the point is, how does the existence or not of a god(s) change anything about the way you should choose to live?
heh,heheheheh ...
scarrin me with the whole star trek 'nalogy......
Bush in charge of a Borg cube craft thingy just gave me nightmares.....
"I think the point is, how does the existence or not of a god(s) change anything about the way you should choose to live?"
It shouldn't.....we should all be respectful of each other, love thy neighbor, don't hook Joe in the field sprint and all that golden rule mumbo jumbo....all religions have their version. but if you are someone that follows the teachings of that certain spiritual someone. The existence of God means everything and everything includes how you treat others and how you choose to live. For some finding spirituality means understanding human suffering to a greater degree (individually) and reaching out to others in a way they haven't before, so if believing in God brings about more empathy and caring. it can make a difference in the world, and it does matter. Others don't need that and that is great too.
Too many times bad has been done in the name of God, and the reality is, how is that any different (at its core) than any other evil thing that has been done, the root is greed, and the lust for power. Man kind is evil…there is no doubt about it. I think the problem is the stereotype,… what does it mean to be a God fearing person, Bible thumper, what ever you want to call it. Too many times God has been given a bad name because of Religion.
My point is this… shouldn’t cast judgment on the existence of God, and weather it makes a difference in the way you live, because of what has been done in his name.
So to answer your question, if there is a God, does it change the way one should live……You’re Dam right is should. Why would one not want to connect with the creator of the universe, feel it inside you? Find a connection to it all….put the pieces together to have peace in the F’d up world.
"Why would one not want to connect with the creator of the universe, feel it inside you?"
All I could think about after reading that line was a catholic priest trying seduce some young boy with the same line.....
That was funny.......
every time you fornicate a little angel gets his wings.
sign me up
jandy - awesomely funny dude...
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