uh ...
i have no idea what's going on here ... but i like it.
team presentations have now become interesting to me.
for some reason.
- - -
On the flip-side of women on the verge ...
the Canadian sensation, Jeanson, may be racing again in 2007. It seems USADA has backed off their lifetime ban of Genevieve and worked out some deal where she gets a 2-year slap, instead. The hubub is, of course, hinging on the perceived inaccuracies of the EPO test.
"In the case of severe exercised-induced proteinuria (like in Jeanson's case), there is a serious concern about the validity of the EPO test." - Dr. Joris Delanghesigh.
"I have never in my entire career taken EPO, or any other banned substance,” said Jeanson. “After the USADA informed me that I had tested positive in July 2005, I did some research to figure out how this could have happened. I secured the help of a reputable professor and researcher at Ghent University in Belgium, Dr. Joris Delanghe. I am very grateful that he graciously offered to investigate my case.”

Then i met her "coach". oh man, that dude was 10 layers of wack-cake.
Was she doping? Was she guilty?
Jeanson was also implicated in a 2003 Canadian investigation in which Montreal orthopedic surgeon Dr. Maurice Duquette was charged with illegally distributing EPO to athletes. Duqutte named Jeanson in court documents as an athlete to whom he had administered performance-enhancing drugs. [VN]
Lifetime ban.
sorry olaf...that model is not a good representation of women - i know that is not the intent
why can't we have naked men painted the same way
ok ... i'll have to take a moment to point out the 437 pics of Boonen's butt you've tossed out there.
somethings can be aesthetically pleasing, i reckon.
including the human body.
as a wise irishman once pointed out, "nice ain't got nuthin to do with it."
i agree, lifetime bans.
But she is so cute........do we have to ban her for life?
Maybe we can just have her admit to it and maybe have her boyfriend say he hacked into USADA and changed he sentence. Then we can get he a commentator's job with the big one and paint her up like the lass in the first photo.
Ok I'm whacked, ban her
shiiit, you got me! dang
i make a case that Boonen is a cycling icon not a model
beauty of a sprinter body...
u smart ass...
Sorry Olaf, but I still think flandria has a point....while the ladies are all digging boonen's lycra clad butt the point is they are digging him while he is clad in the attire which is designed with a practical function in mind (comfort while riding) not to specifically focus attention on his ass.
I like attractive women..but the def. of attractive women isnt restricted to Dr. 90120 Paris Hilton types...not my style...and I dont like the whole in your face over the top "raunch culture" thing...fun for about .03 seconds but nothing compared to the subtle sexiness of a shy smile, a toss of the hair, or the remount of a cx bike…
Obviously I caught Ariel Levy on Fresh Air yesterday….take a listen…interesting stuff (I mean how many contributing editors at New York magazine hang out with the Girls Gone Wild crowd?)
Is it me, or does it seem like the cheaters are getting off left and right?
I guess all those guys implicated in the Puerto investigation pretty much still have jobs. Jeanson's back, Tyler's back.
Meanwhile, some mid-packers at a mountain bike race get punished for not showing up for the randoms after not finishing a race where they weren't told there would be tests.
What a crock of crap.
I've oogled Boonen's butt when it wasn't clad in lycra.
And why don't we oogle Bettini? If sprinter qualities are what makes Boonen sexy, why isn't Bettini sexy and oogled?
Lets not pretend. We are objectifying Boonen because he rides fast AND is a handsome man.
Does the fact that he races make the objectification okay? And if they don't ride then its sleazy and cheap? If so, why?
and team presentation time....
so over the top euro cheese.
I might have to collect photos for another blog idea I'll never post....
Bettini? Really? The Cricket? Can that be sexy....I checked with Stacy and she her response was a profound "no"
my point exactly.....
How much for a projob?
what'dya mean, not sexy?
projob ...
the bummer being, of course, it's not fullzip.
deal breaker.
vb's got a point...
my view...
nothing artificial implants nor a body produced by starvation for Boonen or other cyclist I admire physically...includes Bettini
I know how much work, races, nutrition, training overtime to produce such human physique - that is just incredible committment
that is beauty and worth looking at...both men and women
How do you know that woman does not race, or that she starves herself?
I mean, she probably does starve herself.... But aren't you making an assumption based entirely on her appearance just because she is a woman? If there was a man up there in the same "outfit" would you make the same assumption?
next halloween...
vb - yes, i based it on the image posted...which means I assumed she was and also assumed she does not race...
One good thing about being a 130lb Bettini, your package always looks big in pictures.....
I dont care about her starving or guys in spandex or about anything right now. Any half naked woman is a plus.....
But seriously I only looked at the picture for hours because I was interested in her mind......
And I could care less if the world is caught for doping and then let off the hook, I am still riding my my bike for the love of racing it. But I am over the whole dream of everything almost being cleaned up.....
i think JunkaDonk might actually be in a good mood this morning.
coffee? got his ride in? sex?
switched hands?
uh, Flandria... newsflash on that "bodies produced by starvation" thing... male pro cyclists at the top levels are about as close to starvation as possible without compromising performance. Really, even listen to a group of amateur masters men on on a training ride this time of year... we are just as concerned about our weight as you perceive the model in the pic is. Cycling isn't a good sporting choice for someone with an eating disorder.
from VsNews:
An open letter to USADA
It's me again.
It has been two years and I want to extend my congratulations in your ongoing fight against drug use in our sport. You win. I am more confused then ever.
But the dopers? You continue to open the door wider and wider for them. (see "USADA deal could mean Jeanson's return to cycling")
The confusion of what constitutes a doping infraction and its penalties in the USA continues to astound me. So let me try to understand. Genevieve Jeanson should of served two years for her first infringement but instead gets a warning and a fine. Then her second positive result, which is supposed to be an automatic lifetime suspension, is now settled for a mere two year sentence? This settlement is quite a good one. Ms. Jeanson is allowed to state that she did not take EPO specifically but still admits her guilt as is written in line 8 of your contract with Ms. Jeanson:
Ms. Jeanson acknowledges that the positive test report from the UCLA Laboratory is a violation of the applicable rules, including the USADA Protocol and the UCI Anti-Doping Rules, both of which have adopted the WADA Code, and accepts the following:
A two-year period of ineligibility under Article 10 of the WADA Code beginning on July 25, 2005;
Let's see if I got this right: Ms. Jeanson admits her guilt of something (just not EPO) and retracts her appeal to AAA/CAS allowing her to "get out of jail" by July 2007 instead of serving a life sentence, and you get out of more lengthy and costly legal battles, so it's a win-win situation for both USADA and Ms. Jeanson.
But what about the rest of us? What about cycling's future? What message do you send to young athletes when you continue to handle doping infractions according to your own laws, and allow settlements with the guilty to satisfy your own needs?
I am more confused and disheartened then ever. I have now lost faith in the entire system. How does this look to the future of our sport? Or did you fail to see that such a settlement has implications that reach further then those simply between USADA and Ms. Jeanson?
Truly depressed,
Anne Samplonius
Canadian Pro Cyclist
is that a plea bargain?
"How do you know that woman does not race, or that she starves herself?"
she still would look sexier, to me, in her actual racing kit (maybe with a bit of base layer showing) then with a sprayed on psuedo-kit...and those aint no cyclist legs....these are some cyclist legs….sexy
steve is wack...
Boo effin hoo. The chicky in the paint is out there cuz she likes to be looked at. I don't imagine anybody told her "you better go out there in this paint, or else..." Same goes for her, uh, thingies. I'm sure nobody forced those funbags into her. Perhaps she's the one pulling the fast one on all us dudes. She's figured out that all she needs to do for her fat paycheck is get painted and stand around. Sure as shit beats working for a living...
Response to Brian: there are about 10 women in the world who make a "fat paycheck" from modeling, same as cycling...the majority scrape by. Why do it, then? For the recognition of doing something your peers place value on (for men, it's often manifested in sports, for women, it's often manifested in looking pretty). So athletes dope to be faster/bigger/better and models get implants & starve to be prettier (boy models, too). In both cases I doubt anyone explicitly said that the dirty underbelly activities were required, but there's a high degree of public complicity...
Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure, my first thought about the outfit was "damn, that's gotta be cold."
I likes me the painted ladies....
Fullzip! Right there with ya....
This is a little off the deep end, I got this from the Live 105 site.
@ http://www.live105.com/pages/73921.php?
"CHESS PLAYERS MAY HAVE TO TAKE DRUG TESTS: At the Asian Games this week Chess’s world governing body will introduce dope testing. The sport’s top official said he had no idea how drugs could enhance chess player’s performance, there will be official monitors who may demand that players take a drug test after they play a round. The World Chess Federation wants to raise international standards in hopes of making chess an Olympic sport in the future."
wow, since I can't access blogs while at work I miss all this fun. Lot's of good points....sexy comes in all shpaes and sizes and certainly painted on skinsuits are helpful. We all know some people can be skinny without starving not me I'm the muscley type. As to enjoying the human body aestheticly I've heard more women talking s**t after seeing the new Bond Flick...Oh la la he's got legs and an upper body...yep we can buy fake body parts, get surgically altered to make us more "beautiful" and take drugs to make us faster and stronger but hell the truth will always come round in the end.
Can't take it with you.
And I know I'm a bit naughty, and I know its not right but I'd be lying if I said otherwise...
I like boobies!
Did you know more US athletes have been suspended for marijuana than EPO, HGH and testosterone combine? Who are we truing to discourage?
party boys?
not hooptie's cookies.
It just sucks weed stays in your system for a month, and you can only test for EPO for 2 days. And testoserone is undetectable within hours....just ask Floyd. Who according to his power point "almost" didnt test positive.
I am under contractual obligations to wave the sponsors flag....Team BPG representing...
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