An enviable life you lead!
pinged the meter again...
Nice product placement with the socks. It would have been more shamefull if you would have put the socks on the cat. Your sponsor can only be somewhere in some corporate office standing wildly on his/her/their desk(s) applauding.
that's too, too, too...
i think i saw a nipple.
What a bunch of cuties.
...Emma is so darn cute and she shares your lap with VB too...lovely vid
That was funny, in a schmoopy kind of way.
that was cooool! LOL!
No, I'll spank you instead,
he wanted you to see his nipple
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An enviable life you lead!
pinged the meter again...
Nice product placement with the socks. It would have been more shamefull if you would have put the socks on the cat. Your sponsor can only be somewhere in some corporate office standing wildly on his/her/their desk(s) applauding.
that's too, too, too...
i think i saw a nipple.
What a bunch of cuties.
...Emma is so darn cute and she shares your lap with VB too...lovely vid
That was funny, in a schmoopy kind of way.
that was cooool! LOL!
No, I'll spank you instead,
he wanted you to see his nipple
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