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Monday, July 31, 2006

the bell tolls for thee

ah well - we'll know soon enough if it's true:

L'Equipe reported that the analysis found testosterone of artificial origin.

It's understood the French newspaper received this information from a source within Chatenay-Malabry labortory that conducted the test on Landis' sample. [CN]

If FLandis' test comes back convincingly that the testosterone was exogenous, it can't be anything but curtains for that po' boy. We can cry all we want about aMErican hunting by French labs ... but, science has a way of cutting through the BS.

- - -

no matter how many breath mints you suck down,
you're still only covering up that evil stench.

that's why i keep a steady supply on hand.


though i've never been tempted by testy patches, juicey injects, pills of roid or randy-makin' ... i do succumb to my own forms of darkness. in competition, i let erupt the ooze and filth that compress deep in my cratered soul, gone seismic from years of internal, infernal grindings and suppressions.

and though there may be pangs of learned guilt after the dust settles and booms die down - one can't but enjoy those few moments of release when the vulcan gods have their way.


Velo Bella said...

You have to remember to give an occasional offering to Pele.

Otherwise she gets a little....inpatient.

Velo Bella said...

randy maker

PAB(a.k.a.CID) said...

i thought vulcans were dispassionate pacifists...

jAndy donka-donk said...

This is why I strive to look good......

The way I see it, if you look good, you dont have to be good......

So I spend my free cash on color coordination instead of performance enhancement, and it has paid off......

Anonymous said...

Dennis Mitchell, an Olympic gold medalist from the United States, tested positive for a high testosterone-to-epitestosterone, or T/E, ratio in 1998, claiming that alcohol and sex with his wife had caused the positive test. Maybe that beer and Jack Daniels, plus a little conjugal visit with Amber resulted in Floyd’s abnormal T/E levels?

Monkey sex. I said it again.

X Bunny said...

the other choice being like that fault down by LA that is stuck and hasn't budged for so long that bakersfield is going to be beachfront property some day.... said...

now i'm totally in the mood to raise up my T/E levels.