Samson has no clothes ...
As I sat in the fast-food clippery, staring down at shreds upon shreds of my once flamboyantly puffed up headpiece ~ I thought back upon a weekend pock-filled with ups and downs, swipes and swiggles.
I'm very thankful that VB had the good sensations from her ride with PAB and bunnyX on Sunday. They went up and over the SC hills and down and through the beaches swarmed with the pleasure seeking, auto-caged californicators that seem but another beast of burden in this fantasmigorical landscape.
I'm very thankful that I was able to kiss n' make up with a Giant strawberry rider after we had a lil' shouting match about who was gonna get outta who's way in the prep for the field sprint at said meowbox race. I hate that kind of negative energy and was very relieved when we were able to plop down our egos and lay smooth the water with a few embarrassed words of 'shit, what were we thinking?'
I'm very thankful for my teammies riding themselves out of their gourdes both days this weekend ... setting us up for a win and a kiss of the sister. We may just be a bunch of geezers, but when we choose to ride the local prosey races ... we show ourselves respectable more than most. Shits'n'giggles, yo.
I'm very thankful that my old teammie and new daddy, Angermanagement, was the guy who came around me in the sprinty-sprint at MeowBox Hill on Saturday. If you gotta lose, lose to someone with class, I say.
... but dammit, that loss stings, baby. It stings like a mofo.
I'm very thankful that my new teammie Taz is so unfrickin' believably strong that he was able to stomp one helluva impressive win on Sunday at Berzerkely Hills. Yeah, he could have done the prosey race and prolly won that one, too ... but, we begged him to stick geezer-like with us and we turned ourselves inside out to put him in place to ride for the win.and he did.
I'm very thankful for Lothar suiting us up with buckets o' brew for after MeowBox Hill. And, I'm VERY thankful I got the chance to 'feed' bennyJ during the neutralized portion of the prosey race.
2nd in the cat's pajamas. that's worth taking your left hand, reaching it over your right shoulder, and giving yourself a pat or two (after, of course, doing the same for the teamies who got you there.)
i usually reserve the left hand reach over for something else.
... but, I'll give that a try.
missmary is who you need to talk to ben as it was her bottle
but you should know by now that oV is a hazard in a feedzone (also per missmary)
bjm - showin' off, again.
tastes like water, smells like beer ... me in a bottle.
Just remind Taz that when he stands on the pedals to attack he should maybe take his bike with him.
if you ride that close to a wheel on a climb ... you're asking for something like that to happen.
bummer, but always the fault of the rider behind.
Damn! I was wondering where my road soda went! I was gonna toss that thing out!
Way to represent the team BJM.
Real athletes use their sponsor product in races!
yes, ov is a menace in the feed zone, but we like it that way
and that was not my "water" bottle
i was looking for it when I heard a "Ben want some water" and then I saw it in your hand and went and scolded ov.
Good times!
oV is not scoldable
that shit just encourages him
nice racin
thx for the sips o water -
Pattymac was tellin me a story about Taz riding with a 5lb weight on his bike - i think he was actually serious
It's true, I was on a training ride with Taz and he kept having to stop because his 5 lb weight that was jerry rigged to the back of his frame above the wheel was coming loose. But I was a bigger bad ass because I had a 15 lb weight tied around my belly... on the inside.
Anyway OV, does Taz really even need help? His MO seems to be to sit around for two thirds of the race and then fire the afterburners and ride through anything in front of him until he gets to the finish line.
that first 2/3 of the race ... that shit is haaaaard to control. That's our job.
as for the 5lb weight - that just sounds gay.
what a 'tard.
no matter who is to blame on the bottle, we were all laughing hard and enjoying ourselves when we realized what had happened
bunny hit the button
glad bjm won though, or i would've felt bad
At least we got the label right...I mean, I can neither confirm nor deny that it was or was not sierra nevada.
Dan only carries a 5# bottle. The Delivery Man uses a 10#er!
I tend to agree, it is common for riders to kick back before jumping into a really hard effort. I have seen some of the best do it. Happens.
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