isn't that a lovely name?
Elspeth ...
sounds like someone who would take walks in a manicured, but softly wilded garden.
occassionally losing herself in day dreams and rustic passions amongst the hedges, grown just high enough to offer privacy and hoped for mischief.
sounds like someone who would take walks in a manicured, but softly wilded garden.
occassionally losing herself in day dreams and rustic passions amongst the hedges, grown just high enough to offer privacy and hoped for mischief.

a woman ~ post-Austin and pre-Sexton.
perhaps a Victorian delight, burgeoning out of the birdcage, yet still inclined to adore the colored and silkened plumage?
Elspeth ...
a reader, a thinker and if given the chance ...
- - -
the other name come across at work today ... shehu
sounds a lil' too Dune'ish.
Mentat Shehu ... or something'er other.
lord, imadork.
Dodi, Ollie, and Bing
I could write a 3 Stooges episode i guess with that kind of inspiration.
very lovely
but also kinda sounds like you're saying elizabeth too quickly
Shehu is most definitely a Fremen warrior princess.
ok ... next thing you know we'll be referencing Alpha Squad 7: Lady Nocturne: A Tek Jansen Adventure
naw, let's stay in the 'Dune' universe for awhile.
fear is the mindkiller...
Great name! You guys thinking about getting a new kitten.....or something?
I like it. definately Austinish.
I thought Omniscience was one of those qualities we gave you?
Please use it
I think you'll like this - go here and you can find YOUR Hobbit name AND Elvish name! Boy howdy, such fun for a Friday!
(P.S. I don't yet know how to do a fancy link, so you'll obviously have to do the old cut 'n paste)
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
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