good draft ...
The lovely woman has stored some pics of our bagboy raceys. We'll update it regularly (most-like) ... and there might be some cool pics of you, if you're a norcal racer-type.
or not.
but, she sure do take a pretty picture.
The lovely woman has stored some pics of our bagboy raceys. We'll update it regularly (most-like) ... and there might be some cool pics of you, if you're a norcal racer-type.
or not.
but, she sure do take a pretty picture.
Posted by
vb is definitely in charge of anything that involves a camera as she is the queen
i will try to get a few decent shots of her
That dude is huge - man, the entire peleton could almost draft behind him. Did you even have to pedal? The vacuum created by the guy should have just pulled you along...
i dunno why ... but those arm warmers gargantuous was sporting are gettin' me hot.
it could be dangerous position in the summer as he sweats a lot
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