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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

just some cool-ass chicks, yo

WHO: All NCNCA Road Cat 4 Women

WHAT: Come meet fellow cat 4 women from throughout the peleton with your helmets off!

Come trade war stories, and toast a wonderful 2007 season. Food & drink provided. Program will include sharing a brief story from the season and having the opportunity to meet other women racers. Metromint Cycling is devoted to fostering a great environment in women's racing, and encouraging women new to the sport to stick with it! Although this event is officially for Cat. 4 women, feel free to bring a friend who also races or is interested in a racing in 2008. Are you a woman bike racer who isn’t a Cat. 4? Bring one with you and we’d love to see you!

WHEN: Monday, October 8 from 6:00-8:00pm

WHERE: Metromint offices, 535 Bryant St., San Francisco

**PLEASE NOTE that the sign above the door doesn’t say Metromint, but instead says “David Rio”**

HOW: Without helmets & chamois

*For more information, check the Metromint Cycling web site:
*Or email Allison Krasnow: allison.krasnow(at)


Grey said...


you can not spell peloton incorrectly.

fix that. it's ugly.

Allison Krasnow said...

um...that was me.
I swear it was spelled right at some point. maybe spell check messed it up and i was too sleepy to notice.
i suck.
did i mention that i'm a math teacher?

Grey said...

i figured it was a cut and paste on olaf's part. bad spelling happens, especially when spellcheck don't parlay fransay. it's just that certain words from our sport...well, frankly every time i write merckx i google it to double check.

Anonymous said...

DAMM those freaks are fine!
i would kill to be their saddle, or their shammy of their shorts.

just sit on me and pedal pedal pedal!

they are so fine.

if i could go to this party and land a few cat 4 girls, i would be in heaven.

EB said...

Thanks for the plug -- Alicat's been working hard to make this happen, & it's a great chance for everyone to get to know each other and knit the community a little tighter (and hopefully welcome some new faces in).

Yay for women's racing!