my uvula still hurts
Friday morning randoms ~
- Tommy D had the shits ... but now he's on top of the game!
i think Danielson needs a blood transfusion. somebody call up Jens so Bruyneel can slip him a horse tranquilizer (or three) to knock his ass unconscious and they can suck out a few quarts of his one-man Germanic-Horde red.
it's not like Voigt woud miss it ~ and if TD had just a few percentages of Jens' battle lust for bike racing ... - No matter what anyone tells you ... it's possible to snap on a pair of tubies with 1.5 hands.
and it only takes 3 hours! - FRIDAY NITE TRACK RACING ... oh yeah, i'm gonna go and get it spanked proper tonite. I have pedaled a total of 47 minutes this week with an average speed of about 2.
so, i'm totally ready.
But, i know my body and if i want any chance of putting some power down on the pedals Saturday, I'll need to bust the bubble tonite. It's going to be stupidly painful.
I forget what the format is tonite, but i think it's more sprinter-effort o'rific now that za'Nolanator has begun the endurance mayhem on Thursdays. oooo, speaking of which ~ read word that 3 of the beauties were involved in a spill late in the Points Race last nite.
heal quick bruddas. speaking of crashes ... finally took a look at the equipment after Sunday's slammer.
holee-shyte ~ i really ramrodded that curb. stuff's busted all over the place.
it's always hard to communicate with non-cyclists about crashes and the hobbles afterwards. you know, you're limping and gimping to your office and the inevitable "oh, wha' happen'd?" happens.
You try and explain that you crashed, but with the clothes on - there's no real visualization of injury. You can explain soft tissue or micro-fractures or the lovely long-term pleasures of scar-tissues upon scar-tissues ... but, unless you drop the pantaloonies and show them a cheese gratered cheek ~ they just don't get it.
So, usually what i do is say ...
"well, it's like this ~ get in your car and find yourself a nice quite country road. Bring the speed up to around 30mph. Keep it steady at 30, maybe click on the 'cruise control' if you've got it, ok?
now, roll down your window, peep your head out the car and look down at the passing pavement. Look at all those jagged little crushed rocks and sand-papery surfaces. Ok, got used to the speed? Then open up your door ... don't be afraid. Open up your door and lean out a bit (keep that speed up!). Now slowly reach a hand down toward the road zipping by underneath. Think about it, just for an instant ... reach out and touch that road. Go ahead, try it. Reach out and touch it.
and just when you're about to touch the road? in that moment of concentration where your fingers are dangling between the edge of safety and dangerous contact ...
have somebody push your ass out of the car."
yeah, it's sort of like that.
Its hard to get people to understand how much it hurts when they can't see the injury
A picture is worth a thousand words, but the idea of throwing yourself out of a moving car at 30 mph is the best way to paint the picture for co-workers without dropping trow.
you forgot to add:
make sure you're wearing nothing but a helmet and your underwear.
Yeah, but it is the crashes that keep the NASCAR fans coming back for more. Way to take one for the team, OV.
Yeah, they say, but if it hurts so much why do you do keep doing it?
...and after you have jumped out of the car...rolled your skin off and come to a stop, two bike riders hit you "head on" at 30 mph just to make sure you will not be on the bike the following week.
We truly are insane...I love it!!!
I've been flashing my little patch of bandages all week -- unfortunately I've also been smashing it into things, so the sniveling cancels out the toughness I was going for.
When I worked at the vet clinic as a teen, we boarded a cat we were treating for giardia -- that's some nasty shit.
i picked up a nasty something'er other in Cuba years back.
that was just horrible.
and now any time i get the squibbles, i blame Fidel.
chronic, or no ... at least Danielson's got his PR machine putting him back in the public eye. dunno if he's got a contract for next year.
he needs some air time if he's gonna have to negotiate.
I'm not sure I buy the giardia thing. I had it once. It's fairly easy to diagnose and ciprofloxacin ("cipro") killed it off in 4 days. Even if unsure, the cipro is not risky for most people. My first stop when in Mexico is the pharmacia, for a few $3 tablets, just in case.
i too read that there was crash last night...any details out there? are those guys ok?
best wishes, of course.
it looks like it is time for everyone to sit back, take care of each other, do some healing. a wise man once said that one just can't go into cross season with injuries...
Gio seemed to come off best with typical point pressure road rash on elbows/knees etc.
Second place was Tim G. with a bad graze on his right thumb and maybe some joint/bone damage.
In third was Pat D. who stayed down the longest. He took a big hit on his right shoulder and was distinctly favouring it once he was able to walk.
Paramedics were called - I don't know if anyone went to hospital or not.
Heal fast people.
flagyl is the treatment for giardia
cipro is good for the ordinary "montezuma's revenge"
or maybe an std or two.....
Ouch. Screw the NASCAR fans. Stay of the tarmac, folks, and to those who hit it, heal quick.
I want to meet the person that tries it...
With the influx of pure roadies not following rules out at the track (not getting off the track after their event, going against traffic, not knowing the rules, etc) maybe its time for stricter enforcement of the rules by the officials or a longer period before allowing newbies to race. Any other suggestions?
Thanks for all the help last night everyone. All the equipment shuttling and driving was greatly appreciated. Got to the ER late last night and they took x rays, which, according to the ER physician, showed not breaks. Woke up this morning really sore and got a phone call from Alta Bates Hospital. The Doc that reviewed the x-rays told me to come back quickly and get a sling because my scapula had a good break. Don't know how that got past the ER staff last night but to make a long story short, I'm out for a good 8 weeks. After a pint of ice cream to celebrate the early exit of bike racing, I can say that I'm actually really motivated to get back at it. Maybe even some cross! Just trying not to think about that folded Zipp disc!
I got caught up in two crashes last year, both crits,hmmmm, and what was really sick is the only thing I could think about was getting back in.
And I thought helmets were s'posed to protect our heads!
"The Doc that reviewed the x-rays told me to come back quickly and get a sling because my scapula had a good break."
... dayum, that blows. heal up quick, Pat. at least you know the proper pick-me-up after such an event.
a pint o' ice cream.
Last year in February I got a broken scapula. It's no fun at all. The fractures can be hard to see without a CT scan because there is so much stuff in the way.
You'll get much pain, and there's no splinting available so you will be getting very sharp pains with certain movements during the next several weeks. I could only sleep with Ambien CR or similar. I hope your sling is the kind that keeps your elbow against your trunk.
I began passive range of motion exercises within a few days. These are very important for the long-term ability of the shoulder joint because the glenoid cavity can tighten up and that's bad. There is a pulley system that attaches to the top of a door, with ropes and handles. The good arm raises the injured one (passively). For now it's probably only the "pendulum" exercise that you can do.
I joined a gym so I could ride their upright "bikes", watch TV, look at the scenery, and do leg presses. I resumed riding 3 days after the injury, but it was 5 weeks before I could handle the bumps of riding outside, and no sprinting was allowed until 8 weeks had passed.
It's nice if you can get x-rays every ten days or so to monitor the healing. There's not much on daytime TV.
That is shitty pat.......
If you still want to do track nats, I will ride the qualifier with your license?
Tim had another penis sprouting from his right calf when he finally got to his car last night. Anyone know of the end result of the Doc visit?
Tim says hand is a bit "dicey" and his leg is bruised, but he's okay. He plans to race the qualifier next weekend.
Poor Dunny! Sucks man, sell that disk on eBay. Hope everyone heels up fast.
I'd like to point out that Warren never tested positive......
mmmm, nsaid's.
Team Pursuit. Each rider from the top THREE teams qualifies to ride ANY endurance event at elite nat's. You only need to finish with three riders.
That sucks Patrick - hope you heal quickly.
Missing a scapula break in the ER also happened to me. It was clear that my collar bone was broken, but the scapula was missed until the next day follow-up inspection of the films.
your a funny f*#king man Hernandez...i like your comparison to falling off
Team pursuit to qualify for nats: top 2 teams, according to this FAQ.
But no one is probably reading these old comments. What the hell am I doing?
That schtick about crashing needs copywrite protection.
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