Deja Vu
Its so convenient that Jeff has been through this already. I don't need to take a picture of the xray, I just steal his.
Michael's hardware looks exactly 
like this. With the 4 screws and the little straight piece and everything. Surgery went well, or as the surgeon kept repeating, almost more to himself than to me, "very very well, very well, it went....very well". Thats good, not that Michael was worried, but I was. I made the mistake of googling the surgery last night and looking at gory nasty pictures of it. How can surgeons do that stuff? No wonder they are all a bit off.

like this. With the 4 screws and the little straight piece and everything. Surgery went well, or as the surgeon kept repeating, almost more to himself than to me, "very very well, very well, it went....very well". Thats good, not that Michael was worried, but I was. I made the mistake of googling the surgery last night and looking at gory nasty pictures of it. How can surgeons do that stuff? No wonder they are all a bit off.
Michael did ask me if the hospital has wireless so he could do an aneasthesia blog post, but I'm nixing that and his readers will just have to make do with me instead. Besides, drooling on the keyboards isn't good reading anyways. I'm at home taking a much needed kitty and blackberries break. Hospitals give me a bad case of the heebie jeebies.
Unlike Jeff, Michael will be staying overnight ( I vividly remember Bunnydoc's no way this should be outpatient rant so I am grateful) and should be up and blogging sometime tomorrow I am sure.
Thanks for the well wishes.
should be up and blogging sometime tomorrow
and on the bike no doubt too...
heal up!
kitties and blackberries can cure just about anything, especially the heebie jeebies!
Bolts, bones , and metal plates. Too many these days, that is for sure.
Best to the both of you
might want to get a detailed bill and scrub it
had ankle surgery and have two screws - they charged for four (wtf?) and they were $384 each. When questioned they said "well maybe the screws were in two parts" You've got to be kidding - a screw is one piece and the x-rays prove it and it wasn't might fault if they lost two of em. Anyway they finally credited the portion I owed by 2*384, so that was a huge help.
ti componentry is just the rage right now!
everyone is gonna want some...
I'm going to wait until they have carbon fiber bits to hold things together.
Ti is so 1990's.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery! I'm sure you'll be back out there soonly...
internal Ti componentry is highly over-rated. At least it does not trigger the bells and whistles at the airport, at least mine hasn't.
Sit Hernando down within reach of a pitcher of Margaritas (pain med) and a vat o'chocolate ice cream (soul food). That should keep him happy ... for the first half hour ;-)
Heal well, OV.
Just in time for the Bionic Woman movie......
Good to hear surgery went well.
Rest, Mikey, rest!
A post aneasthesia blog post would have been classic! Can one read druelling on a keyboard?
just yesterday one of my patients was in for a preop before her major lumbar surgery
i asked her how long they told her she would be staying in the hospital and she replied she was told she'd go home the next day
i told her to expect and demand two days
pain deserves some respect people
so enjoy your morphine dreams and drool, drool, drool
and heal fast and strong
Put some cellophane over the keyboard and let the boy drool through a post, and let's have some Hunter S. Thompson style reporting. Oh well.
Good to hear that it went well. See you out there at San Ardo, and am almost feeling guilty about being happy about not having to chase your skinny ass. Almost.
Heal well, heal quick.
VB-hide the indoor trainer and OV's bike shoes...more rest...hope the calf is getter better too...glad the surgery went well...
yay yay! glad surgery went well. heal up!!!
Get well soon Mike!
Glad to hear all went well!
let the healing begin!
glad it went well.
Glad to hear the surgery went well! Hopefully you'll be back on your bike in no time.
May your bolts stay tight and your tires on the road.Here's to a quick recovery.
Take a step back, heal up right. You've only got one body and unfortunately it's only going to break down over time. Take care of it and make it last.
man...i get these pop up things when I go to post a comment on Olaf's blog and finally today I am able to...
glad to hear the ops went well...heal fast!
it only took me gazillion tries to say that...
At least you have the sponge-baths to look forward to!
I would have voted for an anesthesia mobile-blog...
I'm glad it went well. Good healing to OV. And, happy, non-heeby-jeeby thoughts to you.
thinking of you!
NICE a Ti rest for shouldering his bike in a cross race!!! is that UCI legal???
Now someone is trying to be Olaf and making posts, seems all posts here are someone trying to be someone else or many someone else's. And the posts could be more creative.
I have it all figured out.
Sometimes that anon cat is kinda funny.
OV, thinking good thoughts for ya.
Pah, you pikers... I have seven new screws in my shoulder and a plate. Kids today, I tell you what.
But in all seriousness, please pass along my best wishes for speedy recoveries to the fabulous Messers Hernandez and Poulsen and that should they be able to type or dial (as they used to do with phones in my day), they're free to get in touch for my moral support and tips 'n' tricks for getting over such an injury without feeling like total shyte all the time. Though I am that all the time.
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