a glimpse into Disco's TT preparation
"... so then Lance was like, 'don't listen to them, they're just jealous of your hot wife' ... and i was like, well - yeah! she's totally hot and i totally have sex with her. ... all the time!
But still, they make fun of me with the jokes about short and bald ... i hate them, George""yeah, Levi ... it hurts when they say those things. But, just ride big and you'll be big, you know?
i mean, everyone says i can't win a Classic - but, i'm gonna Levi ... i'm gonna!"si, si Alberto ~ this is how you ride ze time trial ... fast and with much nutsack. You must be a bull, Alberto ... a raging little Spanish bull, ok? No, you are a big, hairy bull, Alberto ... big and hairy ... NO one is strong like you!"
"... si, Senoir Eki, si.""... it's just not fair, George ... i mean, nobody even notices that DiLuca is 4-foot 7. I'm like, at least 3 inches taller than him but nobody EVER makes fun of him."
"i know, Levi ... but, he's got a really cool nickname ... the Killer.
"how come i can't get a cool name like that, George? you know, something awesome like the assassinator? the sniper guy? the BIG gun."
"umm ..."
"pedal like a bull, Aberto ~ angry, like bull ~ you are a BULL, Alberto ...
giggle. giggle.
you spilled my espresso again.
bad, olaf. bad, bad, olaf.
how about the 'the pale hobbit from santa rosa', ..'little big man'...'rat boy'...'mr. 37'(shoe size of course)..and don't forget, 'the squid'
dude, you kill me. please never stop.
the legend grows...
Strong like bull...dumb like bull.
Cheech and Chong...
heard Bruyneel is working on deals with Chinese sponsors...as Disco exits
"i hate them, George"
That's just wrong. Well, wrong and funny.
You freak... funniest thing I've read since last weekends excuses for not winning.
Merci beaucoup, and Tommy D is probably depressed that you didn't um pick on him
Damn, you are one funny dude!
The Pshop possibilities are endless...
Freakin' high larry us.
haha. he was only 5" 3" and girls could not resist his stare.
pablo picasso was never called an asshole.
rich stuff, vanderpooper.
good gravy, i nearly wet my pants i was laughin' so hard.
good stuff. probably all true.
damn, you think anyone will notice the 650's?
this is genius. i vote for more photo dialogs, it kind of had a cool tarantino/rocky feel.
Don't forget the hairsuit he wears under the kit.
First of all, Melanie is WAY hotter than Odessa. Let's be real about this. This is an objective FACT.
Secondly, I call Levi "Mean Jeans" although I have no idea what that is supposed to signify. I also don't call him that to his face.
I do however, call him Primo Levi because of this:
And George's nickname is "Varicose."
all weekend long we've been like "i totally [insert verb here]... all the time!"
thanks dude.
pretty please do one for tommy d?!
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