Now it's just getting silly.
Disco talking to Basso?
That's just getting way too Yankees for me.
- - -Well, it's the SurfSity opener this weekend and I do believe there will be some racers in attendance. With the exception of DJ Snead still out stomping leaves in the NorEast, it looks like alot of the big men of the NorCross circuit will be around town and sharpening knives. Let's see how that might run down:
~ prolly be one of the Jack-Maynards. Ben hooked himself a couple top placings at the GranPricks last weekend ... so, some might say he's the favorite. But, there's maybe enough running on this year's Soquel version to keep Andy close. And, if Andy smells the finish line ... he's tough to beat.I suppose there's always the chance Wicketts or even Trebone might be here. But you just can't tell with those young flakes. Are there any UCI houndings out and about to soak up the stars?
... New England Verge ... whatever. They'll miss out on pie!
Runner's Up-pities?
~ I like McGovern as a likely candidate. The course will be fast enough for him to open up the V-12 and crush dandelions all day long. Then there's the Rockett's "Well hello my name is ..." who is needing a turn-around from his bad luck in the GP openers. Maybe he's even got enough spit in his bucket to toss it down for a win?
There are the undercards ... boyz like Wyandt and Robinson. They'll be taking all the top spots. And then there's the rest of us hacks, i guess. I just hope gawdamn Noble doesn't show up in his geezer-mobile and spank us all again. oh christ, what if his frickin' mutant kid shows up and smokes us all? shyte.- - -
And for la femmes?
hmmm ~ tough call. I'll just throw in my best guess as to who will win it.
... she's loca.
Basso - Disco, makes sense, Lance likes him a lot!
Surf City...Olaf still my fav...hmmm sorry couldn't watch though, dang
... if you can sew your mojo Noble ripped from you last weekend you may be able to lay down some good man-juice.
... but it will all depend on the potency relative to the others.
bring it on Dj Lethal...
Ill try to better my 103 place at Gloucester on my single speed. \]
But I aint training fo it.
EmmaO to win in the KittyCross race...
I want to see EmmaO do the double and race the limbo race too while chewing on unsuspecting racers...
D'oh! I miss reading your blog for a few days and fall SO far outta da loop!!!
Favorite Dr. Evil quote (to Mini Me, of course): "We don't gnaw on our kitty."
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