just left PG-13
Well ... it looks as though FLandis' movie is fast becoming less Breaking Away and more Prefontaine. And if there were ever a film maker with the cajones to produce it ... what a story.leaving the quakers behind,
partying with the dirt hounds,
losing his virginity to the SoCal crew,
reading Castaneda with Wordin,
jumping the Postal bus after a couple years of growing stubble and pushing against The Man's ego,
busting SchlepRock on the Swiss and forcing them to bend knees in respect,
winning winning ... losing,
the death of his father-in-law, his ex-roommate, his wedding's best man.
what next?
and the wife? what will her story be?
- - -
this is high drama.
tragedy woven from human hubris always is.
Sic an international cadre of reporters on anyone and you're bound to have weird stuff happen. Though I'm apparently the conservative voice here, I'm a died in the wool bleeding heart who always feels for the criminal. True to form, whether he did it or not, I feel for Floyd (and Jan and Ivan and Tyler and ... ) and cannot possibly imagine the stress that comes from this sort of international scrutiny. Now to have a wingman off hisself... thems some dark days.
true dat.
... and you ain't conservative.
you're the devil's advocate.
i hope Floyd and his wife are both getting some sort of therapy...it is so sad
sooooo over it....
American bike racing at the international level is going to start its stock market tumble next year.......
Even if Tom pulls off the Vuelta and becomes the next great white hope, the Lance momentum is over...
fun while it lasted?
junkadonk is so glass-half-empty.
btw, Pate is having a decent spin out in Limousin right now.
and, for better or worse, we've still got a couple years of seeing the Motorola-aged crew scoring points in eurofag land.
motordopa schmotorola.....
I am just pissed cause you blogrollin stopped checkin my page for updates after the testicle shot and my use of fuk.....
Julich when asked if he has doped yet today....
"whats your name and what station do you work for"
why? So he can make sure their cameras arent near the van next time they are doing a secret stick and burn session?
bwaahaaahaa ...
and i tried to reset your rollin' update. we'll see if it plays dirty again.
Sad...I don't even think therapy is any good at this point. It's like the third act of Hamlet, where, sure, there's been some bad stuff. When act 4 hits it's gonna be awful.
When sorrows come, they come not single spies but in battalions
rolling blog malfunction...
Nothing like a good witch burning to make us feel better about ourselves, huh Jandy?
Maybe Julich takes offense to somebody assuming with no evidence that he's breaking the rules?
Maybe he thinks that this isn't the kind of journalist he wants to talk to?
Maybe he is as offended by that question as you might be if I just ASSUMED that you have no morals or character.
Kind of like you're doing with Julich...
good point.....
maybe I was talking about the stick and burn of extra jalapenos on his Carne Asada Super Burrito.....
maybe he wanted to write a thank you note to the personlater for their hilarious sense of humor....
a lot of maybes, but I am starting to get hungry.....
June 2006:
Devil: 'Floyd, do you want to win the TdF?'
FL: 'Yes, I'd do anything to win.'
Devil: 'I can help you win, but it will ruin your life in unknowable ways.'
FL: 'I want to win, I'll do anything'
kirkpatrick mcFaustus
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