i see my place in the world
So ~ around 3 in the AM, or so ... she gets out of bed and mumbles something about 'checking on the kitty.'
Migo sleeps in our room and we figured it was a bit too much to ask of him to move over some snoozin' space for the new kitty on the first nite. So, she was upstairs in the office ... happily tucked in that room with her litterbox and viddles.Now, let me tell you a bit about this new kitty ~ she's fearless, playful, curious as all hell and ... a little bit vain. So, of course ... she fits right in!
Anyway, at middle-O-nothin hour, Sabine stumbled out of the warm bed, trudging upstairs to check on the kitty. I'm awake for approximately 5.8 seconds - enough to recognize she's leaving and secretly acknowledge to myself that i wish the kitty was down snuggling with us in bed. But, I'm back asleep, heavier than an isotope test result.
The next thing I know, it's 6am and time to get my ass up for work. I reach over to take a bite of my favorite apple and find ... empty space. Ooop, she's still up there! So ... up I trudge to take a look and what do i find?
Sabine cuddled up, fast asleep with the kitty! Too, too yummy.
i'm so queer.
Thats it, I am getting a puppy.....
you two just got me in trouble.....
I keep reading your blog and getting all soft, I am going to end up being your third favorite pussay....
f'in classic
yeah, this is bad.
someone around here was pining for a bunny again last night.
and i already have my bunny...
Ah, you have been adopted by a kitty.
Already the kitty has moved in on your territory, they are sneaky that way.
"heavier than an isotope test result...."
awwww....that makes me warm and fuzzy...
rescuing a animal is such a special thing, especially older ones (no offence to the new kitten) who, when you look at the numbers, have such a small chance of making it out of a shelter. Stacy and I have done a really really small amount of volunteer work for rescue groups and I'm constantly amazed at their continued commitment to trying to save as many animals as possible in the face of a virtual tidal wave of unwanted pets...its got to be soul crushing...on the other hand the high of connecting animals like george w/ Hernando n' the Queen or max with us has got to be crack like...
still amazes me that people would abuse an animal...I mean there are plenty of reasons to hate other people but how can you hate an animal? It just doesnt compute for me....I'd prob. last about 1/2 a day as one of those NYC "Animal Cops" ... you know they have guns...and I'd prob end up exacting retribution on the first asshole I found starving a cat or fighting dogs..
Lil' sassy-pants! Why can't we bring kitties to work?
she's so cute! in this picture, she looks tinier than when she's kicking that dog's booty.
what's her name?
thus far her name is georgey.
but, i don't think Sabine will let that stand.
we may have to have a poll.
Miki (although my friend Miki would kill me if she ever found out)
anything but George
anything but phoebe
schatzi? how 'bout schitzi ...
georgey it is!
I'll show you Schitzi
you're in trubble
She looks like a little munchkin in that picture.
Know any good munchkin names?
Do I have to go to Petco and ask a customer again?
georgey, georgey, georgey!!!
How patriotic, OV wants to name his cat after the Prez.
naawww ... then i'd call that pussy 'bush'.
this is naming her after curious george.
or maybe Tour flailer Hincapie?
or maybe Boy George ..
or MAYBE ... this george!
have you seen the munchkin kittens? really!
yeah, those were the munchkins I was thinking of...funny little munchkins
I think I just like saying munchkin
migo n' munchkin!
sounds great!
how about georgey munchkin?
GM for short...
neila = female champion
i was going to vote for phoebe and
i want to name my next bunny thundersnow so i may not be the best person to ask...
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