but he's a limey ...
craig murray's take on the timing of the UK arrests and who profited from them.
... give it a read.
and the dude does have the stones to respond to comments.
... a lot of them.
craig murray's take on the timing of the UK arrests and who profited from them.
... give it a read.
and the dude does have the stones to respond to comments.
... a lot of them.
Posted by
I suppose he's against shooting unarmed innocents in the London subway too.
What a pinko liberal.
"Be sceptical. Be very, very sceptical."
Words to live by. Two of Shawndoggy's parallel axioms:
1. In a crisis, chances are the government will lie; and
2. Lies are much harder to keep straight than the truth (leading to the conclusion that the success -- and by extension the existence -- of vast conspiracies is highly unlikely).
didn't you ever see X-Files?
A lie is always better than the truth.
You can't change the truth, it's a constant. But a lie, it can morph into just about anything you want it to be.
(In my best Dr. Evil voice)
didn't you ever see X-Files?
Personally, I preferred Conspiracy Theory.
The inherent problem with conspiracies is that they require everyone to have the story straight and commitment to the success of the enterprise. As the conspiracy grows the chances of someone goofing the story or just cracking goes up.
interesting. he comes across as very believable.
reading through the comments gave me a headache, though...
the date is set
don't we wish...
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