a quiet lunch road, with nothing but concentration and fluid circles.
deep acceleration, building to berserker frenzy.
deep acceleration, building to berserker frenzy.
thinking of pain and gain makes my ass itch.

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it was 56 degrees here yesterday
little fu fu bun may have to play a little hooky
judiciously sprinkled
yes, go have some fu fu bun hooky fun.
I plan on coming back from lunch completely unable to function
How'd it go???
VeloBella destroyed in final 5 of 5.
Olaf fell into coma after wicked 6th.
... it was a good day to die.
I did 6
but 5 was hardest because of the knowledge that there was one more
i'll correct the log.
sexy lil bella.
mmm ... tip of tongue.
I did six frosty cold ones....
bunnyx did seven--because number 5 sort of self-destructed when her legs wouldn't cooperate and she couldn't get out of the saddle....
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